Casitas Plaza Shopping Center

Scope of Services

We provided civil site improvement planning, analysis and plan preparation for site improvements proposed by the Owners for improvements to the Casitas Plaza Shopping Center in order to accommodate the enlargement of the Albertson’s store. We also assisted the project Architects in devising an appropriate plan for the required ADA access provision improvements. After preliminary planning and design was complete, we were contracted to provide construction plan preparation, permit acquisition and construction phase services for the project.  Having prepared the concept plans for the entitlement phase, we established the basic design parameters for the grade design, drainage features and for parking area upgrades

In addition, we were also contracted to implement the following Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) provisions under separate contract:  visual observation; assurance that the project remained in full compliance with the CGP; directed implementation of all aspects of the project SWPPP including reasonable elimination of unauthorized site discharges; non-stormwater sampling and analysis; prepared and maintained record of weekly inspection reports and an annual compliance evaluation during construction; Notice of Termination; and other required project coordination within the State Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) system.